Saturday, 27 August 2016

Java Program

GUI (Swing) Based Even/Odd Number Recognition Java Program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class SwingEvenOdd{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            String season = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Number");
            int asd = Integer.parseInt(season);

  if(asd % 2 == 1)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Number " + asd + " is odd");
  if(asd % 2 == 0)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Number " + asd + " is even");                      

Java Program

GUI (Swing) Based Season Identifier Java Program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class SeasonIdentifier{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
               String season = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter season number");
            int asd = Integer.parseInt(season);

            if(asd == 1 || asd == 11 || asd == 12)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Number: " + asd + "\n Wellcome to WINTER season");
            if(asd == 2 || asd == 3 || asd == 4)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Number: " + asd + "\n Wellcome to SPRING season");
            if(asd == 5 || asd == 6 || asd == 7)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Number: " + asd + "\n Wellcome to SUMMER season");
            if(asd == 8 || asd == 9 || asd == 10)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Number: " + asd + "\n Wellcome to AUTUMN season");
            if(asd < 1 || asd > 12)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Month Number");


Java Program

GUI Based Payroll System Java Program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class salary{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            String pay = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Basic Pay");
            int basicpay = Integer.parseInt(pay);
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Basic Salary: " +  pay);
            int houserent = basicpay * 25 / 100;
            int conveyance = basicpay * 15 / 100;
            int medical = basicpay * 35 / 100;
            int governance = basicpay * 5 / 100;
            int total_salary = basicpay + houserent + conveyance + medical + governance;
            int tax = basicpay * 14 / 100;
            int zakat = basicpay * 25 / 100;
            int gross_pay = tax + zakat;
            int net_salary = total_salary - gross_pay;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ALLOUNCES " + 
                    "\n House rent 35% : " + houserent +
                    "\n Conveyance is 15% : " + conveyance +
                    "\n Medical Allounce 35% : " + medical + 
                    "\n Governance Allounce 5% : " + governance +
                    "\n Total Salary is : " + total_salary );
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "DEDUCTIONS " + 
                    "\n Government Tax : " + tax + "\n Annual Zakat :"                                       + zakat + "\n Total Deductions " + gross_pay);

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Net Salary " + net_salary );

/*given * 100 divide total == percentage

Java Program

GUI Based Currency Converter Java Program

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class converter{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            String amount = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter rupees");
            int asd = Integer.parseInt(amount);
        float us_dollor = asd / 104f;
        float aus_dollor = asd / 78f;
        float riyal = asd / 28f;
        float deenar = asd / 358f;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Pakistani Rupees" + asd + 
                        "\n In US Dollors: " + us_dollor + 
                        "\n Australian Dollors : " + aus_dollor +
                        "\n Saudi Riyal : " + riyal +
                        "\n Deenar : " + deenar );

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Java Program

Marksheet Using GUI Based Input (SWING)

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class SwingMarksheet{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            String a = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Java Marks");
            int java = Integer.parseInt(a);
            String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter PHP Marks");
            int php = Integer.parseInt(s);
            String d = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter VB Marks");
            int vb = Integer.parseInt(d);
            String f = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter C++ Marks");
            int cpp = Integer.parseInt(f);
            String g = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Assembly Marks");
            int assembly = Integer.parseInt(g);
            int total = 500;
            int obtained = java + php + vb + cpp + assembly;
            int percentage = obtained*100/total;
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " \n Obtained Marks Are : " + obtained
                                      + "\n Total Marks Are : " + total
                                      + " \n Percentage is : " + percentage + "%" );

Java Program

Operator Example Using GUI (Swing) Input And CLI (io) Input Both

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class SwingAddition{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            String a = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Num1");
                int x = Integer.parseInt(a);
            String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Num2");
                int y = Integer.parseInt(s);
                int add = x + y;
                int mul = x * y;
                int div = x / y;
                int sub = x - y;
                int rem = x % y;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sum is : " + add);
            System.out.print(" \n Sum is: " + add);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Multiplication is : " + mul);
            System.out.print(" \n Multiplication is: " + mul);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Division is : " + div);
            System.out.print(" \n Division is: " + div);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Subtraction is : " + sub);
            System.out.print(" \n Subtraction is: " + sub);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Reminder is : " + rem);
            System.out.print("  \n Reminder is: " + rem);

Java Program

Operator Example by Taking Input From User

    class Operator{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            DataInputStream ob = new DataInputStream(;
                System.out.print("Enter First Number ");
                    String a = ob.readLine();
                    int r = Integer.parseInt(a);
                System.out.print("Enter Second Number ");
                    String b = ob.readLine();
                    int s = Integer.parseInt(b);
                    int sum = r + s;
                    int min = r - s;
                    int mul = r * s;
                    int div = r / s;
                    int rem = r % s;
                System.out.print(" Sum is " + sum + " \n subtract is " + min + 
                                 " \n multiplication is " + mul + " \n division is " + div + 
                                 " \n reminder is " + rem);

Java Program

Java Marksheet Using DataInputStream Class

    class Marksheet{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            DataInputStream ob = new DataInputStream(;
                System.out.print("Enter Java Marks ");
                    String one = ob.readLine();
                    int java = Integer.parseInt(one);
                System.out.print("Enter PHP Marks ");
                    String second = ob.readLine();
                    int php = Integer.parseInt(second);
                System.out.print("Enter VB.Net Marks ");
                    String third = ob.readLine();
                    int vb = Integer.parseInt(third);
                System.out.print("Enter C++ Marks ");
                    String fourth = ob.readLine();
                    int cpp = Integer.parseInt(fourth);
                System.out.print("Enter Assemby Marks ");
                    String fifth = ob.readLine();
                    int assembly = Integer.parseInt(fifth);
                    int total = 500;
                    int obtained =  java + php + vb + cpp + assembly;
                    int percentage = obtained * 100 / total;
                System.out.print(" Total Marks Are : " + total + "\n Your Obtained Marks Are: " + obtained +
                                "\n Your Percentage is: " + percentage + "%");

Java Program

Addition of Numbers Using io.DataInputStream

    class Addition{
        public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception{
            DataInputStream ob = new DataInputStream(;
        /*        we created the object of DIS class 
            System.out.print("Enter First Number");
                String s = ob.readLine();
                int a = Integer.parseInt(s);
            /** we cnvert the string value into integer and save into a variable **/
            System.out.print("Enter second Number");
                String d = ob.readLine();
                int b = Integer.parseInt(d);
                int sum = a+b;
            System.out.println("Addition: " + sum);

/* line 6 and 7 can be written as
int b = Integer.parseInt(ob.readLine());
        Perform All Airthematic operators
    Subject1 Marks
    Subject2 Marks
    Subject2 Marks
    Subject2 Marks
    Subject2 Marks as inputs
    gives output as 
    Total Marks
    Obtain Marks

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Jobs scheduling and resource management system

This project aims at scheduling the jobs of people in a professional organization along with resources management. Better Jobs scheduling and efficient resources management plays a key role in the progress of companies. Companies normally have a good number of employees that have been assigned different tasks with defined time span. These tasks are managed by managers who distribute the tasks to its team. A task has normally high, medium and low priority with defined time frame and certain restrictions (team members have access level to access and submit the tasks). One employee in this group may have one or many tasks and many employees may serve over one or many tasks. The proposed job scheduler will be able to efficiently manage the employees in groups/teams. Each group will be assigned tasks with timeline, priority of task, access level to task and reward points that will determine the contribution of employee towards successful completion of tasks. The delayed or incomplete tasks will incur penalties to employees in group. In addition, the group members will be given resources to utilize and complete the tasks. The resources will be distributed to members along with resource type and quantity. The proposed automated system will also manage resources and will summarize the details of tasks and resources to relevant manager at the end of group tasks. The proposed system will have an admin that would be able to add / delete / modify different managers (each manager is supposed to be responsible for one department / section). Managers are the people who would classify the employees based over their job nature / area of interest. Admin would notify the jobs to managers and managers would distribute the jobs to people in departments. One job could be divided into a group of tasks defined by manager with task completion time frame and priority of task. People in the department have to attend the tasks based over priority and time frame. The outcomes of the tasks would be submitted to manager. The system would keep track of a scoring scheme assigned for task submission (e.g. early task completion, in time completion, late completion). Admin, managers and people will have a certain access level to the system. The resources being used to complete these tasks would also be managed by the system.


Exam Scheduling and Management System


Exam Scheduling and Management System (ESMS), is a scheduling system that targets an Exam Committee  in any academic institute to help them  implementing  exam schedule , satisfying hard constraints and soft constraints specified by the institute. The Problem of Scheduling  is a common problem investigated by many researchers ,many approaches were introduced to handle such a problem that searches for the optimal solution in scheduling Exams verses available resources (Time, Hall, invigilators, Supervisors)with no contradiction and achieve fairness among Students


Voice control of computer mouse

The objective of this project is to introduce the students to speech processing techniques through a useful application which is voice control of computer mouse for arm disabled people. The students will have to design a system for computer mouse control through the recognition of simple speech commands from human voice by using a microphone.  The system will allow arm injured and/or disabled people to use their computer mouse through various voice commands for various movement directions and specific tasks like “click” and “double-click”


Course Coordination Web Portal

This project aims to create a website which allows both undergraduate and post graduate university students and faculty across Saudi Arabia to become part of an scholastic society dedicated to education and learning from each other which can be proficient done by creating a website.


Automatic Class Attendance System using Face Detection.

It is important to have automatic class attendance system in schools. Teachers are unable to calculate timing of students in the class. Teachers can only mark present, absent or late, but he does not keep the exact timing of the students in the class. Students can also use proxies. Using face detection algorithm of image processing will help to make automatic attendance of students and their total time in the class. Cameras will be installed in the class rooms and they will be connected to the remote system. Videos will be stored and searched for the student’s presence in the class according to the time-table of the classes. Students will be detected using the face detection algorithm. A few assumptions will be made to simplify the system so that the system should be implemented and tested. The system will also help the administration to monitor the class timing and participation.


Personal Budget Assistant

Many people face problems in decently handling their daily budget. The worst part of this is to enter the daily expenses. The Personal Budget Assistant (PBA) will be a mobile app. It is going to self-extract the daily expenses records from the Short Messaging Service (sms). The application will help user to manage the daily budget by giving over-budget alerts (whenever applicable). Moreover, it will also have other options like weekly or bi-weekly expense summary etc. which user may view on his / her request.  The pre-requisite for this application is that the user has associated his debit and credit card transactions with sms alerts (which is already supported by many banks.


Typing Errors Checker

It is common for user to commit typing error while typing an email or when performing any kind of text input, therefore it is useful to build a tool that aids in discovering and correcting such typos.


Automatic Database Schema Generator

The task of writing a SQL script to create a database can be both effort and time consuming if addressed manually. However, a tool can be created to aid the developer in building such a database schema. The tool to be build provides a graphical interface to draw an Entity- Relational Model to serve as input, and then creates a file containing a set of SQL statements to convert that diagram into a physical schema.  


Error-Driven Foreign Language Learning

Learning a foreign language is painstaking. Foreign language learners with different background (different mother tongue and different level of proficiency, etc.) are prone to make different types of mistakes. In an error-driven foreign language learning framework, learner’s errors are identified and annotated from a large number of people into a database. This collection is known as learner corpus. Patterns of errors and association of errors with learners can be easily identified using the annotated corpus and data mining algorithms (as it is done with shopping basket analysis in e-commerce to predict who is likely to buy which products). It is possible to teach foreign language effectively by identifying error-patterns in a learner and presenting the most relevant learning materials based on the mistakes a learner makes and likely to make. In this project, students will be required to collect and annotate errors in Arabic Speaker’s English followed by subsequent error analysis using machine learning and data mining algorithms. The students will also develop a prototype to demonstrate the effectiveness of error driven learning. Strong background in AI, XML and programming is necessary.


Design Patterns for Dependable Systems

Software engineers face an uphill struggle over the increasing size and complexity of systems they are expected to develop, a problem only exacerbated by the increased use of software to control safety critical functions in automobiles, aviation and the rail industry to name a few. When developing such systems from scratch, the process can be highly error prone.  Safety is critically influenced by architecture, an aspect of software development that has previously seen successful application of the patterns concept where design expertise is captured in a way in which it may be systematically reused. In this project, students will develop a pattern catalogue for real-time, embedded systems. Strong background of system analysis and design is necessary.
Design-patterns for safety-critical system in various domain; Comparative analysis of existing design patterns; recommendations


Office-Hour Broadcasting System

Web-based System to facilitate on-click broadcasting of office hour. Popular technologies currently being used include Google+ Hangouts On Air, Adobe Media Server and Skype TX platforms. We will use Google+ Hangouts On Air platform to develop a system that is easy to use for faculty members and faculty administrators.


Request Management System 

Brief Description

This will handle management of all types of request made by the faculty or students to the respective or concerned offices. The type of request may include room reservation, procurement of materials, and the like. In the system, the user submits a request and then the request will be routed through the appropriate process for approval and processing. The system will enable users to track the status of their request and for the administration as well. 

A web based system that can handle request management.


Salary Management System Database Project
1.     employee list to be maintained having id, name, designation, experience
2.     salary details having employee id, current salary
3.     salary in hand details having employee id, ctc salary, pf deduction or any other deduction and net salary to be given and also maintain details of total savings of employee
4.     salary increment to be given by next year if any depending upon constraints

5.     deduction in monthly salary if any depending upon any discrepancy in work and amount to be deducted.


Wholesale Management System Database Project

1.     Maintain the details of stock like their id, name, quantity
2.     Maintain the details of buyers from which manager has to buy stock like buyer id, name, address, stock id to be bought
3.     details of customers i.e. name, address, id
4.     defaulters list of customers who has not paid their pending amount
5.     list of payment paid or pending
6.     stock that is to be buy if quantity goes less than a particular amount.
7.     Profit calculation for a month.
Quantity cannot be sold to a customer if required amount is not present in stock and date of delivery should be maintained up to which stock can be provided.


Art Gallery Management Database Project

Design an E-R Diagram for an Art Gallery. Gallery keep information about "Artist" their Name, Birth place, Age & Style of Art about "Art Work", Artist, the year it was made, Unique title, Type of art & Prices must be stored. Piece of artwork is classified into various kind like Poetess, Work of 19th century still life etc. Gallery keeps information about Customers as their Unique name, Address, Total amount of Dollar, they spent on Gallery and liking of Customers.


Blood Donation System Database Project

 A system in which data of Patient, data of donor, data of blood bank would be saved and will be interrelation with each other

DATA OF PATIENT – Patient Name, Patient Id, Patient Blood Group, Patent Disease
DATA OF DONAR – Donar Name, Donar Id, Donar Bood Group, Donar Medical report, Donar Address , Donar Contact number
DATA OF BLOOD BANK – Blood Bank Name, Blood Bank Address, Blood bank Donars name, Blood Bank Contact Number, Blood Bank Address

Try to implement such scenario in a database, create a schema for it, a E-R diagram for it and try to normalize it.


Design a scenario and an ER diagram for an IT training group database Project

It will meet the information needs for its training program. Clearly indicate the entities, relationships and the key constraints. The description of the environment is as follows:

The company has 10 instructors and can handle up to 100 trainees for each training session.
The company offers 4 Advanced technology courses, each of which is taught by a team of 4 or more instructors Each instructor is assigned to a maximum of two teaching teams or may be assigned to do research Each trainee undertakes one Advanced technology course per training session.


Restaurant Management Database Project

The restaurant maintains the catalog for the list of food and beverage items that it provides.
Apart from providing food facility at their own premises the restaurant takes orders online through their site. Orders on phone are also entertained.
To deliver the orders we have delivery boys. Each delivery boy is assigned to specific area code. The delivery boy cannot deliver outside the area which is not assigned to delivery boy (for every delivery boy there can be single area assigned to that delivery boy).
Customer record is maintained so that premium customer can be awarded discounts.


Health care organization Database Project
This organization provides following functionalities
  • Emergency Care 24x7
  • Support Groups
  • Support and Help Through calls

Any new Patient is first registered in their data base prior to meet the doctor. The Doctor can update the data related to patient upon diagnosis (Including the disease diagnosed and prescription). This organization also provides rooms facility to admit patient who are critical. Apart from doctors this organization has nurses and ward boy. Each nurse and ward boy is assigned to a doctor. Also they can be assigned to patients (to take care of them). The bill is paid by patient with cash and E-banking. Record of each payment made is also maintained by organization. The record of each call received to provide help and support to its existing person is also maintained.


Payroll management System Database Project

There will entry (Unique ID) of all the employee of any Organization. According to the date of joining and date up to which salary is created, Number of days will be entered.  Basic pay will be defined according to the post of employee and department. Then component like DA, HRA, medical allowance, Arrears will be added, and Charges of Hostel/ Bus, Security, welfare fund and other will be deducted. Number of leaves taken by the employee.


Library management System Database Project

A student and faculty can issue books. Different limits for number of books a student and teacher can issue. Also the number of days will be different in case of students and teachers for issue any book.  Each book will have different ID. Also each book of same name and same author (but number of copies) will have different ID. Entry of all the book will be done, who issue that book and when and also duration. Detail of Fine(when book not returned at time) is also stored.


Hospital management System Database Project

A patient will have unique Patient ID.  Full description about the patient about personal detail and phone number, and then Disease and what treatment is going on. Doctor will handle patients, One doctor can Treat more than 1 patient. Also each doctor will have unique ID. Doctor and Patients will be related. Patients can be admitted in hospital. So different room numbers will be there, also rooms for Operation Theaters and ICU .  There are some nurses and ward boys for the maintenance of hospital and for patient take care.  Based upon the number of days and treatment bill will be generated.


Railway System Database Project

A railway system, which needs to model the following:

1.      Stations
2.      Tracks, connecting stations. You can assume for simplicity that only one track exists between any two stations. All the tracks put together form a graph.
3.      Trains, with an ID and a name
4.      Train schedules recording what time a train passes through each station on its route. 
You can assume for simplicity that each train reaches its destination on the same day, and that every train runs every day. Also for simplicity, assume that for each train, for each station on its route,  you store
  •  Time in, 
  •  Time out (same as time in if it does not stop)
  •  A sequence number so the stations in the route of a train can be ordered by sequence number.
1.      Passenger booking consisting of train, date, from-station, to-station, coach, seat and passenger name.


College Database Database Project

A college contains many departments. Each department can offer any number of courses. Many instructors can work in a department but an instructor can work only in one department. For each department there is a head and an instructor can be head of only one department. Each instructor can take any number of courses and a course can be taken by only one instructor. A student can enroll for any number of courses and each course can have any number of students.

Database Project #1

Online Retail Application Database Project

A customer can register to purchase an item. The customer will provide bank account number and bank name (can have multiple account number). After registration each customer will have a unique customerid, userid and password. Customer can purchase one or more item in different quantities. The items can of different classes based upon their prices. Based on the quantity, price of the item and discount (if any) on the purchased items, the bill will be generated. A bank account is required to settle the bill. The items can be ordered to one or more suppliers

Monday, 8 August 2016


Student Record keeping system Database Project

Design goals: a student file that contains the information about student, a stream file, a marks file, a fee file, concession/scholarship etc you can check simple version of this project.

Database Project


Inventory control management Database Project

Design goals: maintain a proper variety of required items, increase inventory turnover, reduce and maintain optimize inventory and safety stock levels, obtain low raw material prizes, reduce storage cost, reduce insurance cost, reduce taxes

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Meet Your Programming Desire Here (Projects-T-Point)

Projectstpoint aims to meet your desire here about PHP Lectures, Programming passion, about new technologies, Final Year Projects Ideas of Android/Java, PHP, Database and much more. For PHP Lectures, Final Year Projects Ideas you can visit the right side of this blog you can see the links of that pages. Please be with us and if you have any question/query feel free to contact us or you can comment below. Keep sharing this blog to spread the knowledge as much as you can.

`Knowledge Is The Only Thing That Increases When You Shares It`

Keep Smiling and Stay Blessed Where Ever You Are

Daily Activity Tracking Application

Daily Activity Tracking Application

This application can be used to monitor the child’s activity, whatever have been used and browsed by the child, so that he/she can strictly be monitored.

Level: Medium

Doctor Appointment System (Android)

Doctor Appointment System (Android)

If you cannot reach at doctor for an appointment, using this android application you can get it.

Level: Easy

Hotel Booking System Android

Hotel Booking System Android

For visitors, guests it’s difficult to arrange a hotel for their residence keeping this in mind this application will be the best so that visitors can easily approach the available hotel in particular area.

Level: Easy



Level: Easy

Ringtone Generator

Ringtone Generator

You don’t want to have full song, just ring tone. You can create ringtone of your choice of your selected portion of song.

Level: Easy

Interactive Keyboard Android

Interactive Keyboard Android

Bored of seeing same type of keyboard in your Android Phone, here you can design your multiple types of designs and themes of your keyboard for your Android Phone.

Level: Medium

Contact Backup App

Contact Backup App

In case you lost your all contacts or you lost your phone the main important thing in your phone will be the contacts. Through this app you can set backup of your contacts in android as well web

Level: Easy

Personal Area Network

Personal Area Network

Personal Area Network means this application works at only limited distance and within this distance of network all the connected cell phones can exchange their mobile data, can communicate using SMS with each other and also share files.

Level: Medium, Difficult

Wi-Fi Sharing App

Wi-Fi Sharing App

If you are connected to any Wi-Fi network and you want to share some of the data usage with your partner or mates, so here you can with this application.

Level: Medium

Blood Pressure / Sugar Measurement System on Android

Blood Pressure / Sugar Measurement System on Android

This application will allow users/patients who can test/check their daily based blood pressure, sugar, blood group checking and other minor blood tests. No doctors, no blood oozing, no injections etc. This will be the best application in the medical and technical world.

Level: Difficult

Number Plate Recognition on Android Platform

Number Plate Recognition on Android Platform

This application can be used by the security agencies for any kind of crime or suspicious act by any vehicle bike, car, or other heavy vehicle for number plate recognition.

Level: Medium

Daily Mood Assessment Based on Mobile Phone Sensing

Daily Mood Assessment Based on Mobile Phone Sensing

What if humans cannot understand your feelings but an android phone can. This Artificial Intelligence based application will detect your mood and behaves according to your mood.

Level: Medium, Difficult

Web Browser Android Project

Web Browser Android Project

Just like Firefox, Chrome make your own browser with your 
own privacy setting and own security settings whatever you
want. Wouldn’t it be so fun.

Level: Medium, Difficult

Sticky Notes App

Sticky Notes App

For your daily routine important work make highlighted 

this would be better application for users.

Level: Easy

Download Manger App

Download Manger App

IDM will be the best example of this project, you can get guidance and help from 

the making/documentation of this software.

Level: Easy, Medium

Social Networking App

Social Networking App

Just like Facebook you can create social networking app 

for your personal network or college network according to 

your need and specialty.

Level: Medium, Difficult

Movie Ticket Booking System

Movie Ticket Booking System

In the age of cinemas and entertainment this app allows 

users to book their ticket of respective cinema hall of 

particular movie of particular timing.

Level: Medium

Travelling Management System

Travelling Management System

This android app lets user know about transportation’s 

status the daily roots and vehicles of departure and 

destination. User can also book their seat from their 

selected departure or destination.

Level: Easy

Shopping Application (Android, Web)

Shopping Application (Android, Web)

Here you may create an e-commerce application on your 

android phone in order to make users more comfortable and 

easily approachable, where user can add any of product to 

its cart/basket and confirm their order even user can 

delete their selected item if needed.

Level: Medium

Dictionary App (Android)

Dictionary App (Android)

Dictionary app enables users to know the meaning of any 

word at any time of any related topic. Either it’s of 

Scientific, General, Medical, or Mathematical.

Level: Easy

App Locker App (Android)

App Locker App (Android)

An Android based application that allows you to make your 

any application secure from unauthorized user in order to 

protect your data and avoid other user not to access 


Level: Easy


I guess have you heard about WhatsApp, Hike. It comes under the smart messaging app. You can also create app like these for your final year android project. You can add feature to your app according to your requirement.  Let me discuss one important things with you. One day I was talking to my friends. They advised me to create the personal version of WhatsApp. I designed it and distribute it my friend and we are using it and enjoying. You may think that It was an stupid idea for creating the same thing again. But I don't think so.
I just want to build something which make me happy. So I make it. I am giving the feature of my app.  Single Chatting   Group Chatting  You Can Share any type of file under 100 MB  Instant chatting.  Ring notification for someone when he will call you.  Voice chatting I am continuously improving it day by day. It may be that I will lunch it near future, but we have no plan to make it public now. Try to build your own. If you are facing problem. 


It is coolest and my favorite app suggestion for beginner. To make this  project you need not any database programming simple android API knowledge is sufficient.  There are many great example of reminder app available in Google Play Store. You can find there and test on your smart phone or tablet. I believe perfection never exit. See the example and find the cons and improve that cons in your app. Your android app will be better.  

Quiz Application Android Project

For Beginner level you can make Quiz application android project. I will be easy for you if you know how to do database programming. You can simply this application without using database. But I don't like it without online database connectivity. Wait don't be confuse. I am simplifying it.
Quiz Application Android App without online database connectivity. In this android project you need not to connect you android app with your online database. it will be easier for beginner and I don't like it. Because you have to fix limited number of question.  Once user install your app. There will be no control on your hand.

PHP Introduction - Lecture #19


Hello All... welcome every one. I'm going to start PHP lectures for Very Beginners, who wants to learn PHP from very beginning. No matter if you do not have any basic programming concept. If you follow my tutorials I hope you will surely get some how good knowledge of PHP.
Today our Topic is


Today we will learn about how to fetch record from MySQL and display on browser using SELECT query. As told earlier before performing any action with MySQL you need connection with MySQL at the top of coding even before of HTML coding.
$conn = mysqli_connect(“localhost”, “root”, “”, “school”) OR die(mysqli_connect_error($conn));
After you have successful connection with MySQL you need to retrieve data from MySQL. How you will retrieve here is the process.
            $qry = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM students");
                        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($qry)){
                                    echo $row['student_id'];
                                    echo $row['student_name'];
                                    echo $row['student_address'];

Here is the simple changing after the query is true. After the query is true we have started a while loop and inside that while loop we have given a function mysqli_fetch_array() that will retrieve the information from table and it takes parameter the query above you have initialized and that is stored in a variable called `row` or anything you want. Now the record has been retrieved we just need to echo/display it on browser and to display. Little changing while displaying record we need to echo column names as defined in MySQL table within the brackets and single quotations, along with the variable name in which mysqli_fetch_array is stored. Below is the pictorial view of code and retrieval of records.

I have used <br /> tag to more clarify the records otherwise it may be difficult to understand. Why there has been used While loop not any other because if you remember in previous lectures of loop that While loop works on basis of condition, and if there is no records in table and mysqli_fetch_array will return nothing and 0 will be stored to row variable and 0 means nothing or false. And if while loop becomes 0 or false it will not work further. Further DIE function is used in the connection coding that if connection is not established or not connected properly `OR` statement will be executed, DIE function is used to stop the execution of code, if there is any error in connection only error will be shown on browser no remaining code will be executed not even HTML code.

Thanks Guys. Any thing missing or any question from this topic you can comment below, I will be trying to solve and answer your question.
Our topic continues to `PHP-DATABASE`
Good Luck J